"We have given a new home to thousands of people in the last 30 years. However, we do not forget the beauty of our nature which we strive to preserve and we support organisations which take part in preservation of nature."
Evžen Korec
owner of EKOSPOL a.s.
EKOSPOL is the main sponsor of the ZOO Tábor
In 2015, the zoo in Tábor was about to be closed down and its animals to be sold off. The owner of EKOSPOL and animal lover Evžen Korec decided to save the zoo, even though it meant an investment of several million Czech crowns. In June 2015, the zoo opened its gates again. And EKOSPOL became its main sponsor.
ZOO Tábor focuses on breeding animals endangered by extinction in the Czech Republic and globally. It is the youngest zoo in the Czech Republic and at the same time, the largest in South Bohemia. ZOO Tábor is successful in breeding young animals of all species including the endangered ones. One of the key programs of ZOO Tábor is the reintroduction of the European bison into Czech nature. ZOO Tábor cooperates with the non-profit organization Česká krajina and the Biotechnological Center of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice on the project. At the moment, there are more than 260 animals to be seen in ZOO Tábor.
EKOSPOL supports non-profit organization Česká krajina
Česká krajina o.p.s. focuses on protection of nature, landscape and environment. Its main goal is to protect biological diversity and to mitigate the impact of climatic changes on the environment and human beings. To achieve this, Česká krajina strives to create a network of non-state nature reserves which will help the endangered species of plants and animals to survive and to return to regions where they have been exterminated.
EKOSPOL significantly supports the reintroduction of European bison to the Czech nature in the area of former military training camp in Milovice near Mladá Boleslav, which the non-governmental organisation Česká krajina organises.
The aim of this organization is to ensure that each animal will have decent living conditions to live a full life, to express its natural behaviour and to meet its psychological, physical and social needs. Společnost pro zvířata (Company for animals) strives to protect animals from the impact of human behaviour by helping animals in need and by changing the system and preventing animal suffering.
Společnost pro zvířata (Company for animals) informs and educates public by means of its magazine, website, leaflets, brochures and other material and media. The organization negotiates with governmental organizations, schools and private companies and strives to change relevant legislation.